Friday, May 2, 2014

The next step of marketing evolution: Google Glass

A major tech trend like this can definitely turn things over in marketing. Google Glass is building its popularity for quite some time now, without even being officially realized. Everyone is thrilled with this idea of having access to all information by doing something as simple as wearing glasses. So, is this new gadget going to turn us into the lazy beings who won’t leave their homes when they simply don’t need to? Or, are we finally going to realize how amazingly lucky we are because we have all this technology at our disposal? We can only wait and see what’s about to happen, but one thing is certain – Google Glass is arriving pretty soon.

Just imagine how shopping using Google Glass is going to look like

Instead of going to your nearest store to do your daily, weekly or monthly shopping and stare at the shelves and shelves overflowing with a thousand similar product, you’ll be able to – using Google Glass, of course – simply look at a few pictures of the items you need, pick out one, read a few details in order to see if it’s the thing you’re in need of, and wink if you want to add that item to your virtual cart. No more wasting time in those huge stores and waiting in never-ending lines with your cart – it’s all done by simply winking. Certainly,this is the future of shopping – every time you’re staring at a product using Google Glass, you’re using the internet, which allows you find out more about that product – are there any coupons, reviews and can you compare that price with the prices of similar products. All that content is yet to be created and optimized, but it’ll doubtlessly be the most efficient way to do shopping.

Finding audio content will never be the same again

We all get frustrated when we can’t find the song we’re looking for. With Google Glass, everything will be simplified – you’ll be able to find a song, or any other audio content, by watching TV with your glasses, which can automatically recognize and find that song for you. Not only that, Google Glass can show you all video clips on YouTube, television shows, advertisements – practically everything that’s related to the sound you've just heard. So, you can either buy the song, watch some video content, or ignore everything and continue watching your show. How amazing is that?

The world will become one great nation

This is maybe possible now, thanks to this smart little gadget. The problem with understanding a different culture is that language barrier we all have. When you’re able to understand a person speaking their native language, you can find out a lot more than what that person is saying. Most secrets of a culture are buried in that culture’s language, and now when we have Google Glass, we can easily understand everyone, no matter which spot of the world is their birthplace.

How will the Google Glass apps look like?

Apps are really big right now – they bring a lot of money to their creators, and they’re really helpful for the consumers. Currently, there’s just a small list of apps that Google Glass will be using, but just imagine the possibilities. They've started with some pretty basic stuff – you can check out here – but I bet they have a lot of surprises coming, because a smartphone is a really awesome gadget, but you wouldn't find it so interesting if all apps would be deleted, would you? It would be just a normal phone, like every other.
When we talked about this, our friends from ZNetworks Group told us that Google Glass is definitely the turning point of marketing evolution – we've never been so far up until this moment. An invention like this will take over the whole internet, because there won’t be a need for the different languages when you can use the translator. Also, Facebook will be a lot different when used for Google Glass – it will need some optimizing, because people will go crazy once they realize they can share everything they see – which they could do even now, with smart phones – but everyone will be able to share photos, music and all other content much faster. Ready or not, there will be some “dramatic” changes in the world.

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