Friday, March 7, 2014

Samsung Going to Pay Apple $930M, Will Continue Product Sales

The long running battle between Samsung and Apple regarding the patent lawsuit has finally come to a conclusion. Apple is finally going to get a total of $930 million for all the damages that were done by Samsung. However, Apple’s request to ban all the products that were infringing the patent has been rejected and Samsung can now freely sell the products in US.
The case was started in 2012 when Apple claimed that Samsung has infringed multiple patents that were owned by Apple. At first, Apple was set to receive $1.05 billion, but then Samsung reasoned that there were some divergences in the amount Apple has been given by the jury. After that, a trial was pursued and the total amount was finally reduced  $929.8 million.
apple vs samsung1 1024x768 Samsung Going to Pay Apple $930M, Will Continue Product Sales
The case is finally ended and in return Apple now has $930 million from Samsung. Luckily, Samsung was awarded in a way too, they can now continue selling their products in US without any hassle from Apple.
But that’s not all, Samsung is already facing another lawsuit from Apple in which the company has added Samsung Galaxy S III in the list of devices that are currently infringing Apple’s patent. Since the companies couldn’t have a mutual understanding outside the court. The case will be taking place at the end of this month.
What do you think of Apple’s consistent pestering with these lawsuits? Do you think Apple is stepping out of the line and suing Samsung without any probably causes or it’s the other way around? Let us know what you think.

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